Thursday, June 24, 2010




In this Blog Let us see the meaning of Reciprocal .In general definition of reciprocal number is multiplicative inverse of a number. The reciprocal number is commonly specified in following way. The number is n it is commonly denoted the reciprocal is 1/n. Another method for the denoted the reciprocal number is m/n the multiplicative inverse of a fraction is n/m. The example reciprocal of 91 is 1/91.
Reciprocal math is nothing but the reciprocal of a number in math. Reciprocal is any number that divides 1.If any number is considered and that number is represented as 1 divided by the considered number then such form of the number is called as reciprocal math.


If the number is 5 then the reciprocal of the number 5 is [1/5]

Reciprocal Math is mostly used in the division of a fraction number. In the case of dividing a fraction number by another fraction number then we just change the division symbol as multiplication symbol and take reciprocal math of the second number and perform multiplication. So in many cases to solve the math problem of different chapter reciprocal math is being used.

Examples on Reciprocal Math:

1. Find the reciprocal math of the following numbers.

a) 5

b) 21

c) 99

d) 10

e) [5/3]

f) [2/7]

g) [ 1/6]


The Reciprocal math of the number 5 is [1/5]

The Reciprocal math of the number 21 is [1/21]

The Reciprocal math of the number 99 is [1/99]

The Reciprocal math of the number 10 is [1/10]

The Reciprocal math of the number [5/3] is [3/5]

The Reciprocal math of the number [2/7 ] is [7/2]

The Reciprocal math of the number [1/6 ] is [6/1.] [6/1 ] can be written as 6

2. Divide [2/3] and [8/6]


[ 2/3] / [8/6]

Keep the first fraction as it is and change the divisible sign as multiplication and find the reciprocal math of second fraction [8/6]

The reciprocal of [8/6 ] is [6/8]

[2/3] * [6/8]

Now by simplifying these we get [1/2]

3. Perform the operation

[7/9] divide by 3


Here 3 can be written as [3/1]

[7/9] / [3/1]

Reciprocal math of [ 3/1] is [1/3]

[ 7/9] / [1/3]

[ 7/27]

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